Pacharapol Withayasakpunt Pacharapol Withayasakpunt
Sat, October 26, 2019
Writing declaration.d.ts for JavaScript modules, and Extending incomplete @types modules

Writing declaration.d.ts for JavaScript modules, and Extending incomplete @types modules

If you have used TypeScript long enough, you should realize that you can create declaration.d.ts with declare module 'javascript-module' for untyped JavaScript modules.

However, you can go far beyond that. Indeed, the best way, if you have time, is to contribute to However, the process is slow, and can take around 1 week for @types repo to get updated.

I realized that you can do beyond declare module 'javascript-module'; by

declare module 'javascript-module' {
   export = JavaScriptModule;

   class JavaScriptModule {

   namespace JavaScriptModule {
        interface IBlahBlah {}

Now, the typing is in your control.

Also, if @types/javascript-module is insufficient, you can do this,

import JavaScriptModule from "javascript-module";

declare module "javascript-module" {
    interface JavaScriptModule {
        additionalMethod: () => void;

    namespace JavaScriptModule {
        interface IBlahBlahBlah {}

JavaScriptModule.prototype.additionalMethod = function() {

After all, what I want to say is that you can extend TypeScript.

Good luck exploring.